Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar

Surya Namaskar basically means Salute to the Sun or Sun Salutation, is a practice in yoga consists of twelve gracefully linked   “Asanas”. Suryanamaskar is a beautiful exercise for the whole body. It’s regular, scientific performance leads to the awakening of “Kundalini Shakti” .

It should be done early morning on an empty stomach regularly for good  health.

Suryanamaskar is an aerobic exercise. While performing it to increase strength with some more stretch, some isometric exercises can also be done. At the beginning stage pulling up the knee, tightening the thigh and the hip muscles and both the palms, pressed tightly on the ground, gives good exercise to forearms, shoulders, chest, thighs, calves and wrists.

  1. At the first stance, instead of just lifting up the arms, if the whole body is stretched upward from the calf to the head, and the heels are lifted, more tension is created,As the muscles and vertebral column is stretched, it helps to increase height.
  2. While going to the second stance put the heels on the floor. Keeping the legs straight, Suryanamaskar with added bow to touch the knees with the head giving good strain to waist and back of the thigh muscles
  3. At the third stance,tighten the leg that’s put forward and upper torso, forearms, shoulders,chest, backwards.
  4. At the fourth stance, without bending the legs, put the heel on the ground.
  5. At the fifth stance, thighs,forearms, waist,chest, shoulders should tighten. Wherever possible go in for isometric muscle contraction.

Prof. Datar brought out two revised methods of Suryanamaskar- 1) Suryadeo Namaskar and 2) Soushthav Namaskar

Suryadeo Namaskar : All the benefits of benefits of other exercises – this is the fitness capsule to give wholesome exercise to body in a short period.

  1. Standing as per the beginning position of Suryanamaskar, rotate each arm 10 times.then taking a breath, lift  both the arms, go to Suryanamaskar stage one remain in that position for 5 to 7 seconds.
  2. Releasing the breath, bend forward and touch the toes and again lift the arms to go to stage one. Touch the toes for 10 counts, and at the at eleventh, bend forward, release the breath and go to Suryanamaskar stage two – remain in that position for 5 to 7 seconds.

Soushtav Namaskar

Incredible benefits of Surya Namaskar are :

  • Strengthens the body
  • Improves overall health
  • Weight reduction
  • Relaxes the mind
  • Maintains Cardiovascular Health
  • Improves digestive system
  • Muscles toning
  • Regulates breathing
  • Stimulates nervous system
  • Activates every part of your body
  • Healthy BMI(Body Mass Index)
  • Reduces blood sugar level


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