Private Fit Classes


Fitness is Defined by The American College of Sports Medicine in 1990. (ACSM) As
“A set of Attributes people Have or they Achieve that relate to their Ability to Perform Physical Activity “.
Fitness is clearly related to Performance and developing the Attributes to improve this Performance.
Physical Fitness, Attributes:-
Stamina (Aerobic Endurance),
Muscular Endurance

Attributes of Fitness:
  1. Aerobic Endurance : is also called cardiovascular Fitness or Stamina. It is the Individuals ability to Take on , Transport and Utilise Oxygen.
  2. Muscular Endurance: is how well the Muscles can produce repeated Contractions at less than maximal Intensities.
  3. Flexibility : is the range of motion that a joint or group of joints can move through. Flexibility is often not given the amount of attention it should have in a training program because people do not always see its importance.
  4. Speed : is the rate at which the Body or individual limbs can Move.
  5. Strength : is the Maximum Force a Muscle or Group of Muscles can produce in a single Contraction.
  6. Power : is the production of Strength at speed and can be seen when we throw an Object or Perform a Sprint Start.
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