

Since many years a question was lingering in Dr. Arun Datar’s  mind as to why all the importance was given only to muscular development in the sport of Body-Building. There are no means to test the strength and flexibility of a well-built body. On the other hand in case of weight lifters and power lifters no importance has been given to the muscular development, though they lift very heavy weights. Therefore, a sport called “TRION-ART” has been developed which can truly test strength, stamina, endurance, suppleness and muscular development of a contestant.


The source and the development of ‘Trion-art’ —

Approximately hundred years ago Mr. Fredrik Muller of Prussia had proved himself as the strongest man in the world. Later on who became popular as one and only, Eugen Sandow. Mr. Sandow used to give stage performances. He used to lift ponderous weights in various styles, he was a master poser, and his muscle control was a grand display of showmanship and was able to do the gymnastics movements gracefully. He was an ideal iron athlete. Perhaps, this is the root cause of the development of the ‘‘Trion-art’’

Who can participate in ‘Trion-art’?


All iron athletes, men and women can take part in it. Body-builders and power-lifters can participate with a little practice of Snatch and Clean& Jerk. Similarly, weight-lifers and power-lifters will have to shape-up their bodies and learn posing.

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